How to select a choice from the Card Set

(Augusto Vera) #1

I am trying to make the user select a shortcut from a card set and this in turn be taken as response for the next automatic step, Is there a way to do so? since I do not see it listed so that the answer can be grabbed.

(Daniel Beckett) #2


Immediately after your card set you can put an Ask a Question action to capture their selection. You might want to set filters so that they can only provide one of the answers from the card set.

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(Pablo Leonhart) #3

Hi, thanks for your answer @DanielBeckett it was very usefull.
I will ask something about the Card Sets because I need to identify what shortcut the user use in it. For example, I have 3 products, and the three shortcuts below the image are “Buy it Now”. How can I know if the “Buy it Now” is from product 1 or 2 or 3 when the user clics on any “Buy it Now”.
Can you help me please?

(Anish Duggal) #4


Hi Pablo, the only way to get the specific card button that was clicked by the user when you have multiple cards with the same button is by using a ‘postback’. Unfortunately ‘postback’ is not built into FlowXO yet though i know @DanielBeckett @johnjackson and the team are looking into making this easier.

To implement ‘postback’ at this time you would have to dynamically generate your cards in a custom request and add in a ‘postback’ param.

If you search the forum there is a post i started in which @KarenBarker replied with how to do this. If I can find it I will update this post.

Some added info.

And a flow that @KarenBarker shared that has built out custom requests that you can import and play with.

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(Pablo Leonhart) #5

WOW, thank a lot @Anish!!!
All of this was very usefull, I will use the “FB - custom request card set - Flow XO” flow in my bot and then use some payloads to use it for pointing which product the user click, and triggering another flow.

But now with this solution I have another problem, because all my card set is made from a Google Sheet. So I think in two options:

  1. How can I use Google Sheets in a custom request inserting the variables?
  2. How can I send attributes to a custom request? (if I in a previous action put all the data in attributes for example)

Thanks again, it’s my first time posting here and I am very happy on how it works.

(Anish Duggal) #6

Ok this is a bit beyond my knowledge but i’m going to take a stab at it.

If you want to use GS data in a custom request then you will need to run a GET on the GS sheet/row before the custom request. (There may be a way to get the info within the custom request - I just don’t know how)

Then when you build your custom request you can use the little Flowxo icon to insert the specific data you require. Take a look at the Google Sheets tutorials

Part 1 here:

Part 2 here:

And the integrations here:

Beyond all this you may need to get in touch with FLowXo support and they can help you. They are awesome :slight_smile:

Good luck

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(Pablo Leonhart) #7

Thanks @Anish!!!
I have the information of the Google Sheet in the flow, but I want to know how can I send that information inside de custom request. I asked the support team by email about it, so I will wait for their response.

Thanks anyway :wink: -)