Edit the answers in the question thread of the bot

(Ivan) #7

I meant how to give a response to the user not in order, but depending on [the word] inside the stream. Not only at first, but throughout the stream. That was not in a row, and depending on the words written. :slight_smile:

hi [greeting]
hey [greeting]
bye [farewell]
exit [farewell]

(Karen Barker) #8

Hi Ivan,

If you trigger a flow with using the example above with the keyword “Hi” when you look at your Interaction logs for the details of the trigger you will see there is a “group” output which would be filled with the value “greeting”.

You can use this “Group” output to filter all the following actions in the flow so that you only send certain messages if the flow was triggered with a keyword in the “greeting” group or others for those triggered by the “farewell” group.

If you install the Template flow “Frequently Asked Questions” then you should be able to see this in action. :slight_smile:

(Ivan) #9

I do not quite understand. :smirk:
So, if in the stream I will show bot filters in each of the stages, the answers are not in order, and depending on the filter?
How can this be implemented in the settings, can be an example? :sunglasses:

(Daniel Beckett) #10

Hi Ivan,

The FAQ template is the best example for this as it shows how the filters can be used for phrase groups or messages.

Here’s an example.

You could have six trigger words with two groups:

Hi [Greeting]
Hey [Greeting]
Hello [Greeting]
Bye [Goodbye]
See ya [Goodbye]
Farewell [Goodbye]

In the above example there are tow phrase groups that can be used in a Filter. Greeting & Goodbye.

So, let’s say that I want to send a message to the user if they say Hi, Hey, or Hello. I can use the phrase group to do this by adding the following to my filter:

Alternatively I could just search for a specific message and use that in the filter:

The key difference here is that the value we’re searching for is {{user_is_asking_a_question.message}} instead of {{user_is_asking_a_question.group}}

Hopefully that helps. If you have any questions please let me know. :slightly_smiling_face:


(Ivan) #11

Hello, thanks for the reply with screenshots!
In parentheses indicate the filter better in Latin letters, or the processor works with Cyrillic?

Same inters as if the person did not select an answer to the question, and just wrote it, the bot says that you have to choose the answer, and it simply is not present… it is replaced by the text that you need to make a choice…

(Karen Barker) #12

Hi Ivan,

Latin characters do display better within Flow XO, however Cyrillic characters do also work - make sure you use the Flow XO logo to select the value variable for the filter though.

Can you please share a screen shot of this happening? Typing the answer as long as it matches one of the choice buttons should still work. You should also be offered the choice buttons again when the question is re-asked after an unknown answer.

(Ivan) #13

To the end do not understand what You meant on account of the first question is about the logo…

(Daniel Beckett) #14

Hi Ivan,

The icon can be seen when editing an action, for example in send a message:

(Ivan) #15

Thank You. I understand how to do the filters, left the last question is not disclosed.

If I create a stream and specify different groups in each response filter, will the bot respond if there are these words associated with the group, rather than in order? ({{user_is_asking_a_question.group}})

As you can catch the group for a personal response to the bot saw a group of words and sent this appeal to me for the answer?

It would be convenient to configure the bot for the task, not the flow. And then too many actions for a short manipulation of subscribers… That is, we take one bot and configure it groups to which it reacts, and within the flow already gives an answer depending on the group of words… And so it turns out you need to create a thread under the same group in which only a few answers to these words, and not the whole group…

Very expensive will cost a cool intelligent assistant.

The more possibilities to respond, the more you need to clone streams and bots, though the stream can consist of 1 to 2 actions as in the example about consultation and price.
In order to tell the client what price and what services are available, it is necessary to create at least 2 streams for normal operation…

(Sarah Palombo) #16

Hi Ivan :wave:

There’s several ways to build Flows. The first is a bit easier

  • Grouped Keywords triggering separate flows.

    Flow One - Greeting
    Flow Two - Goodbye
    Flow Three - Pay
    Flow Four - Help

Each flow sends different messages / questions now you know which option has been chosen.

  • Instead, you can use one flow that uses Goto a Label so that you can go to a section of a flow (go to Pay or Help for instance)

Your flow would look something like this

Keyword triggers [Groups]
Go to label (Pay)
Go to label (Help)
Label Pay
Send a message pay
Other actions for pay.
Go to Label Next
Label Help
Send a message help
Other actions for help.
Go to label Next
Label Next
More messages - if you need to provide more options or show your menu/options

Hopefully that helps feel free to email support at support@flowxo.com if you need a further discussion :slight_smile:

(Ivan) #17

Thank you very much for the sensible answer! Just long thought how to implement these chains of interaction with the user.

Is it possible to integrate the bot with Analytics services?

(Sarah Palombo) #18

There’s different Analytics you might be interested in knowing more about

  • Our Analytics

  • Google Analytics

  • For other web based services, just use the Webhooks & HTTP which is a great way of transferring information through simple HTTP posts (You’ll just need to refer to the services API docs where you should find an example)

  • Some users compile extra 'metrics ’ by sending information to Google Sheets

Hope that helps

Sarah :blush:

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(Ivan) #19

Excellent answer, thank you! :relaxed:

(Ivan) #20

You did not answer about my question about the fact that the bot gives you a choice of buttons, if the people on them don’t click, the bot writes what you need to make a choice and select buttons missing

(Karen Barker) #21

Hi Ivan,

A user should be able to answer any question by typing the answer. If it is a choice answer then what the user types must match the text on one of the buttons identically. If the user fails to type a recognised choice then they will be given an error saying we didn’t understand their answer and then repeat the question. The buttons are given again when the question is repeated.

Unfortunately I’ve not been able to reproduce your issue with the buttons being missing after a user has given a wrong answer. Could you please answer the following and also share a screen shot showing the buttons not being offered the 2nd time?

Which platform are you using when you find this issue?
How are your choices set up in the Ask a Question?
How many wrong answers do you allow the user to make?


(Ivan) #22

Can you just show us an example of how you did with mailchimp subscriber base checks?
The fact is that when a person does not choose the first time he says that you need to choose a product, and it shows, then after 5 minutes he repeats the bot that you have to choose the answer, but the answer is no, but if people just write a word, the bot says it’s not the right answer, and he doesn’t understand it, and people have to choose the answer, and it is no more…

(Ivan) #23

Prompt please, I need to realize this scheme it is calculated on 9 bots (Web, Fb, Telegram) and 3 streams (Greeting, Lead-magnet, consultation)

  1. Bot 1 and stream 2-greetings (Web, Fb, Telegram)
    There will be a menu and site content

  2. Bot 2 and stream 2-Leadmagnet (Web, Fb, Telegram)
    Then you need to check the person signed for the newsletter in Mailchimp
    After a day asking if he had received the letter ( Yes / No)
    If you read (Yes) - send the following
    If you have not read (No) - lead to Bot 3 and stream 3 - Consultation (Web, Fb, Telegram)
    And so 8 letters with a delay of 1 day.

  3. Boat 3 and the flow 3 - Consultation (Web, Fb, Telegram)
    Here to catch everything that is connected with services, the help and the price, and also to catch the answer from Bot 2 and a stream 2-Leadmagnet (Web, Fb, Telegram) the answer of the user (No)


  1. Is it possible to implement this scheme without creating a separate bot for each platform (Web, Fb, Telegram)?
  2. how is it convenient to implement filters or Goto Label to avoid confusion?
  3. how to forward a person’s response and data when choosing a consultation:
(Sarah Palombo) #24

There’s a few topics here so i’ll try and summarize.

When using ‘Choice’ questions, you can control reminders to these questions. As a default, the question will set to expire in 5 minutes with a reminder. You can customise the expiry and the reminders.

  • You’ll find these settings at the bottom of the ‘Ask a Question screen’

With choices though, a user must select the choice button or answer with one of those choices. Typing an answer must match one of your choices.

Your questions
If you want users to be able to find your bot on Facebook, Web, Telegram. You will need to create 3 seperate Bots yes.
There’s nothing wrong with setting all 3 flows to listen to all of those Bots though :slight_smile:

I think you want to forward a person’s response / answers from Flow 2 to Flow 3. There’s a few ways to do this: -

  • Use Attributes so these answers can be accessed across flows
  • You can use the Trigger a Flow Action (where you can send Metadata) into another Flow.

Can you explain what you mean about “Q 2) how is it convenient to implement filters or Goto Label to avoid confusion?” - i’ll try and share some thoughts :slight_smile:

It can get tricky answering on a thread so if you feel it might help email me at support@flowxo.com either way i’ll speak soon :+1:


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(Ivan) #25

Can you get a more detailed answer on the items in the screenshots?)))
Or is it better to write an email?
I understood every word you said, but there is some doubt in the realization of all this)))
Eyes fear, the hands do :))
Thanks for you!:wink:

(Daniel Beckett) #26

Hi Ivan,

If you send an email with a bit more info on what you’re confused about we’ll try to clarify there :slight_smile: