Announcing Live Chat

(John Jackson) #1

We’ve been busy building a new way for you to hold live, one-to-one conversations with your chatbot users.

Live chat is available in your account, right now.

What can it do?

The feature is made up of both new triggers and actions that you can use in your flows, and a whole new message console available from the menu bar on the left.

Use the ‘start live chat’ action when a user tells you they want to chat directly with you. You can then respond to them inside the message console.

In fact, you can see all the conversations your users are having with your bots inside this new console (from about a week ago), and even start a live chat yourself if you spot the user having trouble.

Tell me more

You’ll find more info about how to use live chat in the docs.

Just jump in

Create a flow that is triggered when the user types ‘Start Live Chat’ and add a ‘start live chat’ action into this flow. Don’t forget to switch on the flow.

You can now offer your users the option to chat to you! As simple as that. Live chat works the same across all the platforms we support.

Send message to email action

Our new live chat feature notifies you by email when new live chat messages come in, and you can reply to that email to send a message back.

Because of this, we’ll be retiring our old ‘send message to email’ action soon (more info will follow in the coming weeks).

If you still use it, please think about swapping over to the new live chat feature, or use one of our supported email services to send the message.

We hope you love the new feature!

(Lucianogenova) #2

YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL! Thanks a lot. You’re doing great things

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(mario menti) #3

This is great on a quick first look! I almost feel bad about my next suggestion, but having the live chat feature inside the FlowXO website is now almost screaming (at least in my head, haha) for a feature to be able to have multiple FlowXO users in one account, and give granular permissions to subsets of FlowXO functionality.

In other words, if we provide the live chat feature for a client, I’d like that client to be able to sign in to FlowXO and just see the live chat console (plus whatever else makes sense), but not see (and be able to modify) bot and flow settings.

Does that make sense? And if it does, is that on your roadmap?


(mario menti) #4

Oops, I’ve just seen the thread at Live chat needs human operators, not Flowxo users - so just treat my comment above as another strong vote for implementing a feature along these lines, as otherwise it severely restricts the usefulness of this otherwise great new feature!

(sharif) #5

Is there a way to respond to live chat on my website instead of through the Flowxo platform?