Woocommerce connection test failing

(Francis Cleofe) #1

Hi Everyone,

I’m trying to create a flow to add a customer to my wordpress woocommerce page and it always returns with the Failed to connect your account, please check the details you’ve provided. error message even if i put in the right key and secret which i just freshly generated.

I also noticed that the screenshots for the instructions are quite dated and im currently running woocommerce version 3.5.2

Hope you could all help out.


(Daniel Beckett) #2

Hi @FrancisC

The WooCommerce integration is based on WooCommerce REST API v3, so if you are using any other API version it will not be suitable. The REST API v3 is available in WooCommerce versions 2.4.x and 2.5.x.

For the integration to work you would need to roll back to using an older version of WooCommerce.

(Francis Cleofe) #3

Thanks for the quick response daniel!

Will enabling legacy api on woocommerce make it compatible?

(Daniel Beckett) #4

I’m not too sure about that. I don’t believe it would but it could be worth a try before resorting to a rollback to an earlier version.