What is the best way to work around this

(Brittany Marillier) #1

Hello Everyone,

I am using Google Sheets to display my products (sheet is called “Products”) in my bot , I am using cards for this, however, I would like to also add a row into another sheet called “Orders” once a user selects the shortcut button on the card but I have no idea how to do that. I know that I need to use add a row but im not sure about the rest.
Please can someone help me.


(Robin Carlos Bernal) #2

Hi, Brittany. I think it would be a lot easier if you would just use the “ADD CART SET” option and then create a separate flow for “ORDERS” or “ADD TO CART”. On your “ORDERS FLOW” you can use GOOGLE SHEET to collect information using the “ADD ROW OPTION”.

Let me know if this helps at all.

(Brittany Marillier) #3

Hi Robin, thank you for your response. I have decided to try a different integration (still working away at it lol) if I go back to Google Sheets, I will give the above a try. Once again, thank you.