Web Messenger REF parameter activating flow

(Fernando Miller) #1

Here is my situation:

1º User access WEB MESENGER BOT with direct Link (https://fxo.io/m/xxxxx), user finish and leave the browser…

2º Same User receive a link access to the WEB BOT with a “/REF” parameter…he clicks…and the WEB BOT opens and retrieve the last messages EXACTLY as he left the Sesion last time and wait for input from the user…

What I would like to achieve is that the second time the user access the bot (with /REF parameter ) I can start the FLOW with something without waiting for the user to enter something…so the User knows that somethings has change in a proactive way.

I know there is no an straight way to do this, and also I’m using iframe version and not the Widget version, so I can not use the API.

But may be one for you in the community has found a way around it.

thanks a lot for the help