Web messenger long lines and line breaks


Testing the beta web messenger. I found two possible mistakes:

  1. The bot will send to the client a message which includes a dozen of line breaks. The final result at the website chat (client side) is only one paragraph. Line breaks disappeared. Reason?

2.One of the lines of the bot message (I am testing) is Response path: {{start_application.response_path}} and the path is so long that an horizontal scroll bar appears… this is not confortable for the user (well, I cannot imagine myself sending a word so long, but it could be a long product reference or a link causing this uncomfortable effect). Why not respecting the original width and cut long words where necessary?

Thank you!

(Steven Booth) #2

Hello Kiko,

I understand point 1 - My first suggestion would be to send each separate part of the message as a new message. I think this owrks well from the client perspective, and I’m seeing it becoming the standard for many bots. (So multiple Send a MEssage actions.)

Could you send me a screen grab of point 2?




Hi Steven

Point 1, yes, I could split the message. But if in Telegram the lines are broken correctly, and web messenger aren’t… well, it should be reviewed, shouldn’t it?
Screen of point 1 at Flow XO (it was only a test message):

And this is the result on web messenger (point 2):

(John Jackson) #4

@Kiko There is a problem here, we’ll get it fixed. Thanks for bringing it to our attention. :thumbsup:

(Matt Saucedo) #5

What’s the update here? Just built a chatbot today and experiencing this issue…would greatly appreciate a fix!

(Daniel Beckett) #6

Hi @Matt_Saucedo

Which of the issues are you seeing? The line break issue or a horizontal scroll bar?

Is it the Web Messenger bot that you’re using?


(Matt Saucedo) #7

@DanielBeckett thanks for circling back. I went back and did some more testing, so I should clarify a bit. The issue does not occur when a user enters a paragraph’s worth of text, but the screen does distort if the user inputs a single connected string of text (see attached screenshot). This use case is probably much less common (would probably only occur if there’s some sort of input issue on the user’s side), but once it happens, the screen does not resize.

(Daniel Beckett) #8

Hi @Matt_Saucedo

Which mobile device and operating system is being used where you see this issue?


(Matt Saucedo) #9

ios 11.3 iphone 8, plus an iphone 7 running ios 10

(Karen Barker) #10

Hi @Matt_Saucedo,

Thanks for giving us this information. I can confirm that we have reproduced the issue and I’ve raised this to the development team. Unfortunately at the moment I don’t have any time period that this will be fixed in, however I’ll be sure to update you here as soon as I have any further information. :slight_smile:

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