Unrecognized Logging

(Kurt Anderson) #1

Has anyone been logging all the unrecognized user requests? Maybe to a google sheet?

In this way, you could go back and train your bot to better answer user questions over time?

Similarly, has anyone built a slick method to show the first unrecognized response, and if the user subsequently again enters something unrecognized, you use a second, different response. One that recognizes that the user might be getting frustrated, or perhaps is quite confused. One the third such subsequent unrecognized entry, you might then ask if they would like a human to help.

I would think that these two things would be something somebody has solved!

(Karen Barker) #2

Hi Kurt,

There are definitely customers out there who are logging messages received to Google Sheets so they can train the bot further or create more in depth analytics. You’ll need to use a catch all flow which then logs the message to Google Sheets as an unknown request since it hasn’t triggered a keyword flow.

Are you thinking for question answers for the 2nd part of this, or with a user trying to trigger flows?

For question answers I’m afraid there wouldn’t be a way to vary the message given if a user enters an incorrect response. If the user was triggering flows however, you could have an attribute which counts the number of times the catch all has been triggered and sends a different message dependent on the attribute value. You could set the attribute to 0 as the first thing that happens in any keyword trigger flow so it gets reset with a correct request.

I hope this helps. :thumbsup:

(Kurt Anderson) #3

Thanks Karen, for the response!

I will begin to implement a google sheet to capture the unrecognized responses.

Regarding the attribute incrementing during the catch all flow, I guess I don’t understand why I couldn’t create an attribute to increment and then show an alternate second message. Isn’t the catch all a flow itself?

Thanks, Kurt

(Karen Barker) #4

Hi Kurt,

Yes you can increment the attribute within the catchall flow and use that to show a 2nd message. That’s absolutely fine.

All I was thinking with the setting it to 0 at the start of all keyword flows is that if a user runs through the catchall a couple of times the attribute will equal 2. The user then works out how to trigger a flow runs, they run through that flow and may then try to trigger a different flow, type an unknown keyword and end up back at the catchall flow. This time the attribute is already set to be 2 and so they’ll skip the different messages that you’ve set up. If you reset the attribute in the keyword flows then if a user does hit the catchall again it will 0 and run through the different response messages in order again. Hope that makes a bit more sense. :thumbsup:

(Kurt Anderson) #5

Hi Karen,

Right! Perhaps I could use a timer to reset it back to 0 after 30 seconds
or something…whatever an arbitrary frustration threshold might be?


(Karen Barker) #6

Hi Kurt,

Yep that would also work well. :thumbsup: