Twilio response path and subscriber phone number

(JT) #1

I’m having trouble including the a Campaign Monitor custom phone number field in the response path of an SMS trigger. I read this article Initiate simple text (SMS) message conversation which helped me properly construct the response path. I tested using my phone number after the [bot connection id]/c/ portion. That worked, but when I replace it with {{new_subscriber.Phone Number}} which is the phone number field offered to me in the drop-down I get an error.

My flow is setup to send a new subscriber an email and then trigger a text.


(Daniel Beckett) #2

Hi @JayTee

Could you please share an example of the error message that you’re seeing in your interaction logs?

It may be best to contact with a share of your flow and a screenshot from your logs so we can assist further :slight_smile:


(JT) #3

Hi Dan, thanks for the reply. I’m seeing {{ MISSING OUTPUT }} whenever I try to save a simple message action in the flow. I can send a text when I put my own phone number in there. Seems like I’m unable to pull in the custom phone field I setup in campaign monitor. Essentially the flow is an email trigger on a new subscription and then an SMS to the new subscribers phone number.

I’m on a free account at the moment testing out features, can I still contact support?


(Karen Barker) #4

Hi JT,

No worries about contact support even on the free plan. If you drop us an email and include a screen shot of your trigger outputs along with sharing your flow we’ll be able to assist further. The {{MISSING OUTPUT}} option shows generally when an invalid variable is referenced. :slight_smile: