Triggering the geolocation flow and passing data to an other flow

(Yassine elouafa) #1

i am trying to build a bot that has 2 flows,
the first flow ask questions about the flow asks the user to send the his location.
the second flow is triggered when the geo location file is received, and should send the longitude and latitude back to the first flow starting from exactly where the flow stopped

(Karen Barker) #2

Hi Yassine,

Rather than going back to the first flow after receiving the location it is easiest to actually just continue in the 2nd flow.

There are a couple for reasons why it’s better to do it this way round

  • Yourr first flow would continue to run even before your user has sent the location through if you were to continue to set up your tasks in the first flow.
  • It would use an extra interaction to go back to a previous flow as it will need to be triggered again.

You can manage to get back to the first flow by using a combination of attributes and the GoTo/Label flow actions, but as you are requiring to wait for the user to send the location in this instance you would be better off continuing the 2nd flow as a continuation of the first.

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