The chois of Ask a question is not seen as buttons in Messanger

(Dumitru Grozav) #1

Hi! For some reason the choices from Ask a Question are not displayed as buttons in messenger.
How to fix that? Please, need advice. :slight_smile:

In Ask a Question:

In Messenger:

Thank you!

(John Jackson) #2

I think this is because of the length of the options, thereโ€™s a limit on Messenger. If you try shortening them does that help?

(Anish Duggal) #3

John is correct, I had this issue as well and Karen helped me out. Shorten your button wording to one word each and then work from there. You can add extra info to the msg to help the user out. This is how i ended up fixing this.

(Dumitru Grozav) #4

It helped! Thank you all! :slight_smile:

(Karen Barker) #5

Just to add to this for clarity, the character limit for buttons on facebook messenger is 20. :smiley: