Telegram Welcome Bot

(karl) #1

I’m having a bit of a hard time trying to figure out how to make a Welcome bot that only triggers on people joining the group via invite link or on their own. If someone had one they’d be willing to share or any help for that matter, I’m all ears.

I’d want the bot to hit them with a message and then give the shortcut button options for additional direction and information (I understand how to do all this). I guess my problem en-lies in getting it properly triggered. Also, on that note if multiple people join I’d prefer not to spam them so maybe something that is timed to every 30minutes only triggered by new joins?


(Karen Barker) #2

Hi Karl,

Unfortunately through Flow XO I don’t believe this is possible.

There is an option in the API for “New_chat_members” however I can’t think of a way to incorporate this into a bot built on Flow XO. :disappointed: