[Telegram] Updating messages

(Nikita) #1

Hello! I want to implement Updating messages in my telegram bot. I want to have three images in one message that will change by clicking on the Inline Keyboard button.
I’m new to programming and I haven’t been able to do it all day.

May be someone has example implementations of the Updating messages in FlowXO? You don’t need to editMessageMedia, but you can also understand how it works on editMessageText

I will be happy to give you any advice, thank you!

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(Pion) #2

Any progress with that? I want to use inline keyboard in my tlgrm bots too, may you share the flow?

(Nikita Solunin) #3

I’ve been looking for the same answers for a long time… )))

(Nathan Stults) #4

It is possible to edit messages in Telegram through Flow XO, but at the moment you can only edit messages you send using a Custom Request, because those are the only messages where the telegram Message ID is exposed.

That being said, using Send Custom Request you can use almost any feature of the Telegram API, including sending whatever custom keyboards you need and editing or removing any messages send through the Send Custom Request mechanism. When editing a message, you’ll just need to pluck the Message ID from the metadata of the Send a Custom Request message you want to edit.

(Nathan Stults) #5

Here is a sample.flow that demonstrates editing a custom keyboard: https://flowxo.com/share/akpkndep

(Nikita Solunin) #6

Thanks, Nathan!
That’s amazing!

(Nathan Stults) #7

Please see this newly released Telegram related feature - it will help you edit messages, plus do many other things in Telegram without writing a bunch of custom requests: https://support.flowxo.com/article/257-telegram-actions. And here for customizing keyboards: https://support.flowxo.com/article/258-telegram-keyboards