Telegram button size

(Alexander) #1

Hello! I have a problem with button(choise an answer) size. How i can configure button size? because in some flows user don’t see full button text or in some flows see 4 small button and another big


TELEGRAM. Always 3 choices in a row?
(Karen Barker) #2

Hi Alexander,

There’s no way to really resize the buttons. Telegram automatically sizes and alligns the buttons together. However you could do a Custom Request to use the Telegram ReplyKeyboard which allows you to position your own buttons. There’s an example flow here which should help you to see how to use this. Any problems please don’t hesitate to ask. :slight_smile:

(Alexander) #3

Thank you very much! It is working

(Alexander) #4

Hi Karen, i have another question for this custom request. I need to sent message for user for example i created my custom request

“text”: "Hello there is no report, please select one of the buttons ",
“reply_markup”: {
“selective”: true,
“one_time_keyboard”: true,
“resize_keyboard”: true,
“keyboard”: [
{“text”: “Back”},
{“text”: “Main menu”}

Then i create “lable go to” and i do not know what i must use in filter.
There is no for example {{make_a_custom_reuest:choise}} equals Back
As a result, the back button does not work.

(Karen Barker) #5

Hi @Cartman1990

Unfortunately the custom request does not use the Ask A Question service, it is a “Send a Message” action with shortcut buttons. That means that any button the user clicks on will be treated as a keyword trigger.

You could however, send an Ask a Question action immediately after the custom request - such as “Please click on one of the buttons”. When the user then clicks on the button it will be stored as the answer to the question and you’ll be able to use this further in your flow to filter the actions.

Hope this helps. :thumbsup:

(Alexander) #7

Sorry but i do not understand.
1)“New message”: Hello
2)“Make a custom request” (in this request i have 7 buttons)
3)“Ask a Question”?

But if i do thus. Buttons from make request is disappear. And i see “Ask a question” and user does not have time to press one of 7 buttons.
Maybe I did not explain well and i am so sorry for this
I need that user could click on the button from “custom request” and then i can move them in a flow.

Now it looks like this but do not work.

(Daniel Beckett) #8


For your question you can set the question type to ‘Text’ so that it doesn’t override the buttons from your custom request. :slight_smile:

(Alexander) #9

Daniel Hi!
I need help. Early you said that If I use custom request and i want to use answer from users i must use Ask a question with question type “text”

It work but i have only 0.5 second to click on the buttonm from custom request. And then text from Ask a question will overwrite my custom button. Users will not be able to read the buttons so quickly and press. Maybe I did not set up something or misunderstood you?
P.S Maybe you have example flow?)

(Daniel Beckett) #10

Hi Alexander,

I think this may unfortunately be a limitation on the Telegram side. I can’t see a way to force the buttons to stay on screen using the custom request since as soon as a question is asked the buttons are stripped out. Sorry for the bad advice previously - that method usually works on other platforms :disappointed: