Telegram Business Chat (new feature) isn’t working well


So on telegram they recently made an update to use chat bots to manage chat to your business account directly (not @…bot )

This feature was included on FloxXO and I got excited…

But, it really doesn’t work beyond simple back and forth chat.
So if I was to have the bot ask a question and forward the response to another chat… it will work if I contact the bot directly.

But if I attempt to chat to the bot via the new feature (through the account / not directly), it doesn’t forward the messages.

I’ve looked at the log and seen business chat id and message id are both values. I’ve tried using both for message id when using Telegram > Forward… But it errors saying it’s not valid message id, in the logs.

Likewise, attempting to get a button never works…
I’ve tried everything I possibly could and I’m not getting anywhere with it.

If you can help I would really appreciate it