Hi guys!
First of all I apologise for my English! I’m trying to program a bot for a game! I would like to obtain this:
Bot navigates to https://gymhuntr.com
Bot selects a particular location (I can obtain this throw the website address, since it incorporates the coordinates: ex. I can tell my bot to go to https://gymhuntr.com/#45.46223767237609,9.190278053283693 if I want him to teleport in Milan).
Bot selects the “scan location” button.
Bot reads the datas of the gyms in the area.
I would like to teach my bot to tell me the raids active in my town, so that I and my friends won’t have to use https://gymhuntr.com everytime! Is it possibile to achieve something like this?
(I know, it’s a game… but… even when something is done for fun, we can learn something and enrich ourselves )
Thank you very much!
Greetings from Italy