Some changes to the Spanish messages

(Ernesto) #1

(I’m not sure if this is the right place, but) I found some errors (or kinda) in a couple of Spanish default messages and want to suggest some changes to it.

The currently response to “/bye” is “Adios!”; it should be “¡Adiós!” or “Adiós” (perhaps “Adiós…” with those great “…” at the end :wink:

And the message once response time is over is “No respondiste, entonces me ire por el momento”; that “ire” should be “iré”, with an accent.

(Nathan Stults) #2


That’s helpful. We will make the fixes, but to ensure we’ve got everything correct for Spanish if you want to email us at with your note here we can send you our whole translation file for Spanish and you can review it, as there may be edge cases you haven’t hit yet.

(Ernesto) #3

Happy to help! :wink: Thanks…