Slack Bot message adapter not found

(John Jackson) #21

Sorry Pete there is a current issue that was causing this:

(Christine Sako) #22

I am now having this issue

Adapter not found for ID 593a14ccf3691e0012cad2cd and account D5S97JK7H
flowID 593a171889d9e6000c4baadb

(Sarah Palombo) #23


I’ll see if I can work out why you’re seeing this error. :slightly_smiling_face:

When are you seeing this message? Is it when you talk to the BOT?

If you first check that the adapter exists - Is your Bot still connected?
Also, have you deleted / recreated the bot recently?.

We can continue some further support over at :+1:


(Christine Sako) #24

Thanks Sarah,

It looks like it’s working now–must have been some server hiccup yesterday!

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