Shortcuts to Labels

(Andrew Catchpole) #1

Is it possible to use Shortcuts to Labels within the same flow?

The user guides seems to imply that Shortcuts can only go to another flow. I don’t want to do this as the JSON data response is no longer available in the next flow.

Shortcuts - add shortcuts to prompt the user. These are displayed as buttons in most platforms. When the user clicks a shortcut button, the word/phrase is triggered, just as if they’d typed it in.


Hi @Smartview_Property,

you should use a question with a choice with only one:
choice = Your shortcut test
value = your label name

after question create a Goto Label using your parsed_answer

(Andrew Catchpole) #3

@CaosMkt CaosMkt Okay so this is a work around, However it does mean that there is a question to display and then the choices. This doesn’t allow a Card action to have choices without automatically jumping to the next instruction. My only workaround is to add a “wait” action. Ideally the card action would wait for the next instruction.


sorry @Smartview_Property but in your post you did not write that shortcut was on Card, so i was thinking you had a message with shortcut.

(Daniel Beckett) #5

Hi @Smartview_Property

Shortcuts on cards are mainly designed to be used to trigger other flows that have a New Message trigger (see Bot Triggers & Actions). This doesn’t mean that you can’t use them inside a flow but it does require an extra step.

After sending the card(s) that have the shortcuts you need to have a following action to Ask a Question. You could set the question text to say something like “Please select from the above options” and then when the user clicks on a shortcut it will be accepted as an answer to the question. Once a question has been answered it will be available as an output which you can use for your Filters in any followup actions.

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(Irina) #6

Здравствуйте! Помогите, пожалуйста, никак не могу разобраться. Я настраиваю отправку сообщения, внизу ярлык. Нажав на ярлык должно отправляться следующее сообщение. Пересмотрела все видео, но там везде старая версия, в фильтрах не могу понять, что ставить. Подскажите, пожалуйста.

(Karen Barker) #7

Hi Irina,

If you’re using the “Send a Message” action and adding a shortcut onto here then this will work as a keyword trigger for a new flow. You would therefore need to create a new flow for each of the shortcut messages and continue the actions for whichever shortcut was clicked in the relevant flow.

Alternatively if you want to remain in 1 flow you can “Ask a Question” immediately after the “Send a Message” action in your flow. This will pause the flow and wait for an answer. When the user clicks on one of the shortcut buttons this will then be stored as the answer to the question. You can proceed in the same flow then to send a message which is based on the answer to the question. You’ll need to filter each of the messages after this point with the filter being in the format of “Question answer is the value x”.

I hope this helps. :slight_smile:

(Irina) #8

Спасибо за ответ, но мне все равно не понятно, что конкретно написать в значении, в моем случае после нажатия кнопки Маркетинг план должно идти следующее сообщение

(Sarah Palombo) #9


I can see the marketing action has a filter that uses {{new_message.message_type} ‘Equals’ a value

  • {{new_message.message_type}} will give you the message type i.e direct_message

  • {{new_message.message}} would give you the message received to trigger the flow. Is that what you need?


(Irina) #10

Я выбрала {{new_message.message}} , выходит самое первое приветственное сообщение

(Daniel Beckett) #11

Since you’re using a shortcut value you’d also need to add the text to your New Message Trigger which is the first action in the flow. For example:


Would also need ‘Marketing’ as a trigger word on the New Message Trigger

Поскольку вы используете значение ярлыка, вам также необходимо добавить текст в свой новый триггер сообщений, который является первым действием в потоке. Например:


Также потребуется «Маркетинг» в качестве триггерного слова в триггере нового сообщения