Shortcuts not being triggered

( #1

Hi I am new to FLOW XO and I am trying to figure out if there is an easy way to do the following.

The idea is I have a question with four possible answers
so Lets say the question is ‘whats the weather like today?’
The choices are
a. Sunny
b. Cloudy
c. Snowy
d. Windy.

so if the user selects Sunny then the explanation of Sunny should be displayed along with the options cloudy, snowy and windy so that when they click on them each click reveals the definition/explanation of the choice they clicked on.

(Karen Barker) #2

Hi @RP234,

The best way to do this is to use the Ask A Question action with a choice question. The users answer will be stored as a value on the lead which you’ll be able to use in a Filter for the next actions in the flow. Here you will need to offer 4 questions - These will give the description of chosen choice and then use choice buttons to supply the other options. You could use GoTo Labels to then reuse these actions as the user looks for explanations of the other options.