Share content from your Messenger bot

(Ryan McGuinness) #1

You can share content from your Messenger Bot with Messenger users, in a well-presented format.

Install the flow and try it for yourself. :thumbsup:

You just need to add your page access token and donā€™t forget to change the ā€˜Titleā€™ and ā€˜Sub-titleā€™ text in the webhook. You can even add your own image if you change the ā€˜Image_urlā€™. :smiley:

Facebook APIs in cards
(Rami Segal) #2

This works theory. The recepient will get the exact bubble you shared. However, there is no action allowing the recepient to click the bubble and install the bot.

(Kellsey Shaw) #3

Hi Rami,

When the user clicks the bubble, it opens a conversation window to the bot so that the user can start a chat with it :slight_smile:

(Kellsey Shaw) #4

Hi Rami,

Sorry for the confusion. The example flow was for the purpose to show you how to share content, which is what it does but it just needs a little more to share your bots properly.

If you replace the body of the webhook in your flow with the following and insert your content and bot URLā€™s where indicated. You can get your bot URL from the bots page of your Flow XO account. When you edit them itā€™s given on the last page of the popup.

{ "recipient":{ "id":"{{bot_new_message.user_id}}" }, "message":{ "attachment":{ "type":"template", "payload":{ "template_type":"generic", "elements":[ { "title":"Your Title", "subtitle":"Your Subtitle", "image_url":"Your Image URL Here", "item_url":"Bot URL Here", "buttons":[ { "type":"element_share" }, { "type":"web_url", "url":"Bot URL here", "title":"Chat to Bot" } ] } ] } } } }

(Anish Duggal) #5


Hi Kellsey,

I was able to get the share working as per your code above and it works great, thank you.

I was wondering if there was a way to find out if the user actually shared (not just clicked the share button) content to 1 or more of their contacts?


(Rodrigo Fuentes) #6

Hi! Im getting the following error, any ideas on what it may be?

Thank you,

Status Code
{ā€œerrorā€:{ā€œmessageā€:"(#100) No matching user found",ā€œtypeā€:ā€œOAuthExceptionā€,ā€œcodeā€:100,ā€œerror_subcodeā€:2018001,ā€œfbtrace_idā€:ā€œC3UIsQyJEIlā€}}
ā€œerrorā€: {
ā€œmessageā€: ā€œ(#100) No matching user foundā€,
ā€œtypeā€: ā€œOAuthExceptionā€,
ā€œcodeā€: 100,
ā€œerror_subcodeā€: 2018001,
ā€œfbtrace_idā€: ā€œC3UIsQyJEIlā€

(Karen Barker) #7

Hi Rodrigo,

It looks like the User ID being sent is incorrect.

If youā€™d like us to take a closer look at this then please contact us at and if you can please share your flow and full expanded logs with us then that would really help. :slight_smile:

(Mayank Sharma) #8

Hi @KarenBarker,

Iā€™m facing the same error. checked the user ID & Header is also the right i.e, Content-Type : application/jsonā€¦Even then it shows the same error.

(Karen Barker) #9

Hey @mayank_sharma :wave:

If you can send a screen shot of both your interactions and the setup of your webhook to then weā€™ll happily take a look at what is going wrong. :thumbsup: