Hi Rami,
Sorry for the confusion. The example flow was for the purpose to show you how to share content, which is what it does but it just needs a little more to share your bots properly.
If you replace the body of the webhook in your flow with the following and insert your content and bot URLās where indicated. You can get your bot URL from the bots page of your Flow XO account. When you edit them itās given on the last page of the popup.
{ "recipient":{ "id":"{{bot_new_message.user_id}}" }, "message":{ "attachment":{ "type":"template", "payload":{ "template_type":"generic", "elements":[ { "title":"Your Title", "subtitle":"Your Subtitle", "image_url":"Your Image URL Here", "item_url":"Bot URL Here", "buttons":[ { "type":"element_share" }, { "type":"web_url", "url":"Bot URL here", "title":"Chat to Bot" } ] } ] } } } }