Send text card and buttons variable option

(Sedat Eratan) #1

Hi, text card send possible?

(Ryan McGuinness) #2

Hi Sedat,

You can send cards with text using the ‘Bot-Send a card’ action. The ‘image URL’ field is not required so just leave it blank. :slight_smile: You use shortcut buttons when you send a card set.

If you need anything else or have any suggestions, please let us know.


(Sedat Eratan) #3

Ryan thanks for answer, we are use chatfuel and we are move flowxo soon, we need to use button template because button template 320 char limit.

and another question, we are try webhhok post, webook return a json like this but dont send user a card user send all data text.

“text”:“What do you want to do next?”,
“title”:“Show Website”
“title”:“Start Chatting”,

(Sedat Eratan) #4

My webhooks all time return messenger structured json, and use for respond user on chatfuel, but didnt work flowxo, maybe we wrong please help me.

(Sedat Eratan) #5

Now find this, we try with this

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(Ryan McGuinness) #6

Hi Sedat,

Sounds like you managed to figure it out. :slight_smile:

If you’re still having difficulites then send us a screenshot of the flow log. If there is any sensitive information in it, feel free to email it to and I’ll reply to you there. :slight_smile:
