Rss Feed image and PAragraphs on description

(ivo) #1

Hello there, we are testing Flow and we are almost done with it. All went well. A few questions:

  • How can we add image to the facebook messenger? We have a rss feed with the tag but for some reason the image is not coming when the message appears on facebook messenger.

  • On the description of the message on facebook messenger, the description of the pushed content comes with

    is there a way to hide that?

many thanks!

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(Sarah Palombo) #2

Hi Ivo
Really glad your getting on well.
There is some control you have over HOW or WHAT you send in a feed. Would you mind sening a screenshot of your RSS output please. We’ll be able to make a suggestion how to show the image properly and if the description can be removed.
Send that across to and we’ll have a quick look over that for you.

(ivo) #3

just sent you via email.

many thanks!

(Yehuda Ziner) #4

same issue here on Telegram, Item sent without image, description and link.
This is the feed URL:

Any suggestions?

(Daniel Beckett) #5

Hi @yziner

Please email with an example of the output in your interaction logs from the RSS Feed. We can hopefully spot what’s going wrong then :slight_smile:

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(Yehuda Ziner) #6

I got the perfect solution from @KarenBarker just follow this method use trigger of RSS feed to call an action of http request from the same RSS feed and build your card using the output of the request manualy