Removing 'Flow XO' references from Emails

(Pete) #1

Is there any way to remove FlowXO references from the emails that get sent from BOTs?

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(Matt Durr) #2

I’ve not set it up myself, but one way I’ve considered doing this is instead of emailing directly from the bot, having FXO send the message data + user’s email address to an external service like Mailgun & creating a new custom email that is sent through the external service instead of FXO.

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(Beth Madden) #3

Any updates on this? I am also trying to mask the FlowXO from information in email confirmations I am sending, I need a way to include a Customer From name. Has anyone found a way to do this yet?


(Karen Barker) #4

Hi Beth,

Unfortunately no we haven’t had a chance to make any changes to this yet. It is still on the roadmap here, but unfortunately I still can’t give you any guarantees about if/when this will get implemented.