Problem with Slack

(Валерия Лазебная) #1

Slack bot does not see user name. Few days ago everything was ok. What could be the problem with?

(Nathan Stults) #2


I just re-tested our internal slack bots, and am seeing the slack username. Is this an existing bot or one you just set up? (Trying to figure out how to re-produce the issue).



(Валерия Лазебная) #3

It happened with existing bot. Everything was ok before.

(Nathan Stults) #4

I can’t seem to reproduce it. Maybe the slack app needs to be re-authenticated or something similar. You may want to try re-adding the app into your account. It doesn’t seem to be something inherently new with how Slack is working, however, because we are definitely getting the users id, handle and name in the responses.