Pictures URL on Facebook too many characters

(Martin Miersch) #1

Since two days I have the problem that the pictures URL of Facebook is suddenly too long. Strange parameters are appended to the image. As a result, they don’t fit into the attributes anymore and the following error message appears: “One value is too long, it should be no more than 200 characters.” Do you have a fix how I can save the URL of the image anyway or how the URl of FB gets shorter again? Three days ago this worked fine.

(Daniel Beckett) #2

It looks as though Facebook may have changed the URL format for stored files. Unfortunately we don’t have any direct control over how this is handled as it’s entirely set on Facebook’s side - all Flow XO does is capture the URL that they send back.

As an alternative method you could save the URL to Google Sheets which doesn’t have a character count limit.

Kind regards,

(Jared Korinko) #3


This seems like a pretty terrible constraint. You’re saying we can no longer even save image URLs to attributes…so how exactly are we supposed to keep track of what images the user has sent to the bot…?

(Daniel Beckett) #4

Hi @Jared_Korinko,

You can save the image URL’s to a Google Sheet or external database along with any other identifying information such as the user’s response path.