Payments and segments


Hello. I can’t figure out how to set up payments in a flow. Your guide is based on modules that no longer exist, so it’s unusable. I would like people who contact me on WhatsApp (the number is connected to FlowXO) to receive a payment request in order to access a service. From that flow, I want the user to be directed to make a payment (via Stripe) and then automatically be registered in a specific user segment (on FlowXO) that will have access to a different flow on the same WhatsApp number. Once registered in that specific user segment, they should no longer see the first flow where the payment was requested. In all this I need to keep track of the user telephone number because only the numbers that payed have to be in the second segment.

I can’t find any guide on how to do anything similar. Where can I look to learn?
To summarize: a user writes on WhatsApp, they are asked to make a payment, the user pays, they are automatically registered in a segment on FlowXO, and that segment has access to another WhatsApp flow (from the same originating number).

(Nathan Stults) #2


I’m not sure which guide you’re referring to that is based on module that no longer exist. This is still valid:

We don’t have a guide that matches your specific requirements, however you should easily be able to buid that scenario.

  1. Use the “Request a Payment” or “Sell Product” action to ask the user for payment
  2. Create a flow with a “Receive a Payment” trigger and when it fires add the user to the paid users segment
  3. Add filters in your un-paid and paid flows to apply only the to the appropriate segments