Monitoring google sheets

(матвей чебукин) #1

So, i have a problem

I need to monitor all rows in google sheet, that contains all info about user. The, when i change one off the table cell i need to start another flow for user, which row i changed.

How can i detect update in google sheets updaiting of the cell and get it in flow xo ???

(Daniel Beckett) #2

Hi there,

There’s a trigger for ‘Updated Row’ in Google Sheets that you could use. You can filter the flow so it only runs based on a certain cell being updated or based on matching values.

If you need to start a flow / message a specific user then you’ll need to make sure that you have their response path saved.

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(матвей чебукин) #3

Ok, thansk for your answer, but i have another question now

I use update row trigger. For example i had updated cell that value was ‘word1’ to value ‘word2’ and trigger work perfect. Than i update it ( ‘word2’ ) to value ‘word3’ and its work perfectly again. But when i update it to value ‘word2’ it doesnt trigger the flow.

Is it my mistake or its just thing of google sheets update row trigger ?

Also sry for my english, it isnt my native language. Thnx for your support.

(Daniel Beckett) #4

When a row is updated we look for a new unique value that hasn’t been seen before for that row. If a row is changed to have a value that has been previously in that cell before it isn’t always detected - for example, changing to Apples, then to Bananas and then back to Apples likely wouldn’t trigger when changed to Apples for the second time.

If a unique value can be used it will force the row to be checked properly. This can be done by adding a new column to your Google Sheet to use their RAND feature. RAND generates a random number between 0 and 1 in a decimal format and should in almost all instances provide a unique number for the cell.

The formula would look something like this:
=IF(B2=“Apples”,RAND()," ")

I hope that helps.
