Maitain attributes to next live chat

(Felipe Marquardt) #1

I have 3 flows.
On the first one, I ask for the user´name and set it to attributes.
On Flow B and C, I´m able to get and use the attribute (name).
But when close the browser and restart a the chat/bot, the attribute name is not set, and then it´s loaded empty.
Is it possible to maintain the attritubes saved on cache for another bot/chat use for the same user not being necessary for him to be asked again for the same information?

(Daniel Beckett) #2

Hi @agenciaadd

An Attribute is always saved back to the user’s response path. A response path usually doesn’t change unless a user disconnects / deletes their conversation history with the bot or in the case of users of the Web Messenger bot if they clear their web browser’s cache.

If you want to always make sure you can retrieve information on a user, even if their response path changes then what can help is to save information to something like Google Sheets along with a unique identifier like their email address.

I know that this may not be ideal since you’re trying to avoid having to ask the user for this information repeatedly but you could have a Filter set so that the user is only asked if, for example the user_name attribute that you set is currently empty.

Hope that helps. :slightly_smiling_face:


(Felipe Marquardt) #3

Thank you for the reply.
So losing attributes informations that are saved after the user refreshes the web app or closes the browser and reopens it (simulating a returning visitor) is working accordingly?

I thought that the attributes sent were saved on session for use on another sesseion on the same browser/pc.

(Daniel Beckett) #4

Session information is stored in a cookie in the web browser so if the cache isn’t cleared the Web Messenger should maintain the same state it was in the last time the user interacted with the bot. Attributes are stored against the response path for a user and a new response path would be generated if a new session is started.