Knack Integration

(jean-pierre) #1

Good Day,

I was browsing through the forum and I could not find a answer to my problem.

At the moment I want to integrate my Flowxo Bot with Knack Database. I got the connection side sorted out but if I want to use the GET function to get a record in knack my flow in Flow XO just fails. It says that I have a Malformed Record Key.

I have now tried all the possible record ID’s but I cannot get it to work. Can someone please advise me what I am missing?

Thank you in advance

(Karen Barker) #2

Hi Jean-Pierre,

I see you’ve emailed this into support also so I have responded there. The record ID is a hidden field on the Knack side. You should be able to find it from the URL when you view a record. Alternatively when you add a new record using Flow XO we return the record ID and you can use this value in your flow to later Get the record perhaps. :thumbsup:

(jean-pierre) #3

Good Day Karen,

Thank you so much.

I would just like to know, how can I based on a clients answer to the
bot, tell my bot to which record ID to look at?

Kind Regards

(Karen Barker) #4

Hi Jean-Pierre,

The only way around this that I could see would be to use the Knack API along with our Webhook service in order to pull multiple values back. For example everything within a given category. You could then search through the results using the code service for the item the customer requires. Our standard integration does expect you to already know the record ID I’m afraid and there is no way around that if you don’t.

Thanks. :slight_smile: