Is there way to make embedded bot UI usable/visible?

(Viljami Ketola) #1


I’m want to embed flowxo bot to my website but it shows only user input field and bot’s name but the whole conversation is hidden because iframe restricts the height of the element.

It looks like this

This happens in both, my Wordpress page and my test page (in the picture).

Would be also great if you could put a bit more contrast to bot’s colors. Its very hard to spot what is bot and what is my site.

(Karen Barker) #2

Hi @Viljami_Ketola,

If you’re using the iFrame method to embed the Web Messenger then you can adjust the size of your iFrame in the CSS. You could also add a border in the CSS etc to make the Web Messenger stand out from the page further. :slight_smile:

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(Viljami Ketola) #3

Yep, I was kind of expecting you would tell me which element is the one I have to adjust. It’s kind of pain in the ass if I have to debug someone else’s code to make it work. :smiley:

Do you happen to know at least a shortcut to this happiness I’m asking?

(Viljami Ketola) #4

Hey I actually got it already. The code that FlowXO provides for me when I create a new bot has the following stuff in it:

width=“100%” height=“100%” style="border: 3px solid #f9f9fb; width: 100%; height: 100%;

By changing both height parameters to for example 500px, the iframe changes to bigger.

Also if you want to make contrast better, you can add this css to “filter: brightness(0.9) contrast(1.2);”

Normally css filter is very bad idea, but in this case it’s the only thing that works (as far as I know)…

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(Fabien Grenet) #5


Instead of using the original iFrame provided by Flowxo, I programmed my own interface and linked it to my bot using the WEB API.

It’s sexier than the original one, and more usable (for my use). Not eveything is perfect, but I’m proud of the work done


(the website is in french, sorry)

(Viljami Ketola) #6

This interface of yours is not exactly what I’m looking for. I’m looking for more like inline element to a blog site.

Off-topic: It took me a while to find closing icon when I activated the chat side of the screen. Users most likely would search the close icon inside the area they want to close. And at the top area of the site.

Anyways… good that you shared your work. Is it possible to take your interface and modify it in my own bots?