Improved code and JSON-ready input fields

(John Jackson) #1

We’ve just made live an update that brings an improved experience when editing code on the Code service. You now edit code with a fixed-width font, and the tab key inserts 2 spaces for you.

When you move away from the field, you’ll see your syntax highlighted. Simple changes but make all the difference when using this service.

The Make a Custom Request and Webhook & HTTP services get an improved request field with JSON validation and highlighting. You’ll see a little “:heavy_check_mark: Valid JSON” label if the field has valid JSON.

Hope you like the changes!

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(Khashayar) #2

Thanks for this. Just a quick question.

Your validator seems to break when I use previous outputs as object properties. So for example when the “subtotal” is {{new_row.gsx:subtotal}} instead of a number, the validator seems to flag the brackets as part of the JSON code. I had this issue with validator as well.

Not sure if there’s a possible workaround for this but just wanted to mention it.

Here is a screenshot

(John Jackson) #3

Thanks for flagging that up, we’ll check it out!