Ignore catchall when messaging users in FB

(Matt Durr) #1

I have a catchall set up that handles welcome text and unexpected text.

With Facebook, you can jump in to any conversation and message the user directly (as the Page/Bot).

Is it possible to have the catchall not trigger when they reply to a message I posted from FB (e.g not a bot message)?

I can’t think of a way to handle this, other than to disable the catchall.

(John Jackson) #2

I think this may only be possible if there is some part of the trigger data that you can filter on? If not, I don’t think it would be possible to differentiate unfortunately.

(Matt Durr) #3

Yeah, my thought at this point is that I’d have to set a global “ignore” attribute and it toggle it on/off manually for that user before engaging directly.

Although, is it even possible to manually set an attribute for a user? Or would I have to store that externally, e.g. in a Google Sheet or MySQL db?

(John Jackson) #4

You can set any attribute against any response path, so yes it’s certainly possible, but of course you’d have to know the response path first, or at least the Facebook Messenger scoped user ID so that you can form the response path.

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(Matt Durr) #5

Thanks, that was helpful. In the end though, I decided to just disable the final catchall message, so I can jump in to the conversation directly as needed.