How to use Messenger structured templates


Is there a way to use Messenger’s structured templates to for example show RSS feed items in a box, with picture, summary…? As can be seen on Facebook’s documentation

(John Jackson) #2

There will be very soon, we’re working on a Send Image or Video method that will let you send an image/video and some text and a link.

I’d expect that to be available in about a week.

You can see that and other plans on our public roadmap.


Hi John - any further visibility on deploy date for this feature by any chance? Cheers

(Kellsey Shaw) #4

We’re just in the final stages of this and are expecting to release the feature within the next few days :slight_smile:

(John Jackson) #5

This feature is available now, sorry for the delay!

(Ollie) #6

Hey John!

I know image cards are available on FlowXO already, but are there any plans to add video cards?



(Anish Duggal) #7


Was a solution for send video ever created or is the only solution using a webhook.


(Daniel Beckett) #8

Hi Anish,

The Image and Cards service can be used to link to video content but for playback functionality in the chat window the steps on the Sending Video Content community post will need to be followed.
