How to stop "in progress" interaction?

(Sergey Mazur) #1


One of bot user face with “in progress” problem. I try all advices including flow deleting, but nothing happen. User can not run with bot and I can not stop the interaction. They still waiting answer on the question. Could somebody help me :slight_smile: ?

(Karen Barker) #2

Hi @Sergey_Mazur,

From the details section of the Flow Trigger you’ll be able to find the users User ID. If you look for this under the “Users” section in your Flow XO account you’ll be able to click on users and then theres an option to “Clear open questions” Click this and it should stop the In Progress flow. :slight_smile:

(Sergey Mazur) #3

Hi @KarenBarker,

Thank you for advice, did it 10 times, nothing happen after. Same problem again

(Karen Barker) #4


How are your flows set up and how is this flow being triggered? Thanks :slight_smile:

(Sergey Mazur) #5

Problem with flow “Work starting”

Bot waiting answer on “Question other”. With expire time 5 minutes.

Below user phone. Nothing happen after - deleting user, stop all flows, change settings, delete bot, restart bot and so on. All other users running with bot without any problem.

(Karen Barker) #6

Hi Sergey,

Can you please email us at and include the following so we can take a closer look.

  1. Navigate to Users, select the details for the user with the problem and click to “View Interactions” just for this user. Screen shot the most recent interactions for this user.
  2. Share the Main Menu flow and the Workstart flow with us - to share a flow please edit the flow, click the private button at the top and then make the flow public. On the next page you’ll be given a share link URL which you can send us.

Thanks :slight_smile:

(Jordan Ahli Bank) #7

How did this get fixed? I have the same issue

(Sergey Mazur) #8

I resolve problem by API token changing