How to make the bot work in a group?

(Никита Львов) #1

How to make the bot work in a group?

(Daniel Beckett) #2

Hi @pozzetiffman

Which Messaging platform are you looking to use the bot with in a group?

(Никита Львов) #3

For example broadcast. Send a poll message to a group or channel! Is it possible?

(Никита Львов) #4

I did it with a group! here with the channel does not work. I want to send a broadcast to the conal but does not work ((

(Karen Barker) #5

Hi @pozzetiffman,

Unfortuantely we don’t yet support Channels on Telegram at the moment which is why this hasn’t worked. Glad to see you’ve got it working in a group though. :slight_smile:

(Nathan Stults) #6

Please see this newly released Telegram related feature - it will help you edit messages, plus do many other things in Telegram without writing a bunch of custom requests: And here for customizing keyboards: