How to make a custom request card set

(Jordan Ahli Bank) #1

Hey all,

I have been having trouble with the card set not having shortcut with other value. like a shortcut with “More Info” to triggers “Loans” for example.

So I need to make custom request Generic Template, but I don’t know how to:

To make more than one generic template like a card set
To whitlist a website, I did it once but it is not working now.

Please provide me with a flow, not a link, I have been having trouble with coding and stuff.


(Anish Duggal) #2

Hi @Jordan_Ahli_Bank,

This is a flow @KarenBarker shared with me when I was having trouble with using custom request and postbacks.

I will try and find the other info from a post and share it here as well.

I hope this is what you are looking for and it helps.

How to select a choice from the Card Set
(Jordan Ahli Bank) #3

Anish <3 I cannot thank you more. Exactly what I wanted :slight_smile:

(Jordan Ahli Bank) #4

Okay the card set is done :slight_smile:
Now how can I make a card disappear if it is empty? (like the card set on Flow XO)
It gives me an error required element

(Anish Duggal) #5

Sorry I have no idea. Never thought about that till you just mentioned it as we have a standard set of 4 cards that we use and they are never empty. The FlowXo team may be able to help you out with the code required to do that.

If you do come up with a solution please do share. Now that I’m thinking about this it would be useful to know.

(Jordan Ahli Bank) #6

I will do that :slight_smile:

(Daniel Beckett) #7

All I can think of as a solution here would be to only send a limited number of requests (maybe even one per request) so that you can multiple ones lined up so that they only send if a filter is met for ‘X’ (data) is not empty.

(Jordan Ahli Bank) #8

Yeah but I would have to create more than one, from one to 10 and each has its own filtering

(Rohit Wadhwa) #9

I have tried this and facing this error in action log :
Custom requests are not supported.

(Karen Barker) #10

What platform are you building your bot on? Custom requests aren’t support for the Web Messenger or Test Console, but should be fine on any other platform. :slight_smile:

(Rohit Wadhwa) #11

Hi @karen,

I am using Facebook Messanger.

(Sarah Palombo) #12

Custom requests on Messenger should be okay (shouldn’t cause this error) .

There are different types of requests depending on what type of template your using - there’s various different templates

I wondered what your request is sending / what it’s used for?
i.e sending a Call Button, Card Sets, Send an Image / Video or one of Facebooks other templates?

It might be best to share your custom request by sharing the flow (just use the private button to send us a shared link). It might be best to email this through to the support team -

We’ll take a look and see what’s causing this error


Sarah :slight_smile: