How to export the result of a conversation between robot and people

(Deborah Bete) #1


First, I am sorry for my english, I am french and I am not fluent.
I had create my first robot and I don’t know how to export the answer of the people who talk to the robot to a file in .csv

I have only need of the answerds of the people who talk to my robot.

Could do you help me ?

Thank you and have a nice day.

(Daniel Beckett) #2

Hi Deborah,

I see that you’ve sent this into support too. I’ve responded over there :slight_smile:


This is a public forum and the question she asked was public. Why don’t answer also in public? Or what is the use of this platform…
Please tell us all how to do export a conversation.

(Nathan Stults) #4

You can export conversations using our API if you have a paid account:

You can also export conversations as part of a conversation flow using the Utilities action (Get Chat Transcript):