How get phone number of user?

(Владимир Частоедов) #1

Could you tell me how to get the contact of the user in the telegram? I write this code in Make a custom request

“text”:“Здравствуйте! Чтобы продолжить, поделитесь своим контактом👇”,
“resize_keyboard”: true,
“text”: “Поделиться контактом”,
“request_contact”: true

Tried to use Catch-all and GetFile, but it is impossible to accept such type of request

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(Daniel Beckett) #2

Unfortunately we don’t support the callback buttons such as the request_contact button in telegram. Whilst the functionality looks like it works within the bot, we don’t receive the returned values. The only way to gather the users telephone number I’m afraid would be to use the Ask a Question service and ask the user to input their telephone number manually. You would then be able to capture and use the value they entered in future actions.

(Владимир Частоедов) #3

Do you plan to add this feature to the service?

(Daniel Beckett) #4

I can’t say for certain. The best thing to do is to stop by on the feedback site to leave it as a suggestion so that it can be considered for future updates. :slight_smile:

(Vik Rocket) #5

the link doesn’t work

(Nathan Stults) #6

Sorry about that - here’s the correct link: