Hmm I don't know that one

(Izzy) #1

Is there a way to build an FAQ bot using the flow with (A list of words or phrases to listen out for) give it words and phrases using the brackets feature and have the answers below - but what I need is if the user’s question is not recognized then the bot can respond with “hmm I don’t know that one…”

(Sarah Palombo) #2

Hi Izzy,

The FAQ flow that you can install from your account (available under + templates) shows you an example of phrases that will trigger this flow.


Help [info]
Ask [info]
About [info]
Hours [hours]
Opening Times [hours]

Any of these phrases will start this flow. Then we can filter our responses.

What you’d also need is another ‘catch all’ flow this would then respond to a user that types any other phrase.

Hope that helps !


(Izzy) #3

Yes that is the case and I do have another flow with ‘catch all’ but im using other actions and triggers so it causes a problem

For this I think I need to move the ‘catch all’ flow on its own with one response of “I don’t know that one”

and change all other flows to be a new message trigger (no catch all)

is this what you would suggest?

(Daniel Beckett) #4

It sounds like that’s something you’d want to do, yeah. Alternatively, you could perhaps make use of another message in your catch-all flow that has a filter set so it only triggers if the other actions in your flow aren’t ran. How that filter looks would depend on how your flow is currently setup though.

(Izzy) #5

Yes adding a message in catch-all with filter works too - I tried and at first I used the “or” option for filter which did not work, the “and” option needs to be used.

now I just have to make sure the catch-all does not trigger any of my other words/phrases in other flows, for example if I ask users name or address which can’t be hard coded as filters since answers are unknown