Generate a Random Answer ⁉

(Ryan McGuinness) #1

If you want the ability to send a user a random item, for example in the form of a card. This can be done easily using our random number generator and a Google Sheet. This could be useful if you want a bot that can provide any (random) answer from a list.

A great use case of this could be a joke bot or a random fact bot.
• All you need to do is add an “ID” field on the spreadsheet with the same range of numbers as you’re using in your number generator. I.e 1 - 10
• When the user triggers your flow just add a task Generate Random Number. This will choose a number between a range.
• Simply search the ‘ID in the google sheet for the value given.
• You can then populate a card with information from your Google Sheet.

You could even go a step beyond this by adding this as a feature to a bot, maybe a diet bot that gives exercise tips and allow you to keep track of your fitness. How great an addition to your bot would It be to add to this and allow a user to ask for a low fat recipe and be given a random recipe entry from your website, completely code free!!!

Working with Numbers :100:
Need help with test-bot
(Joe Hatch) #2

Might be fun to use this to build something for our team slack :slight_smile:

Thanks @ryan.mcguinness

(Adez Aulia) #3

Hi, Ryan thanks for this info.
Is it possible to create random answer as part of your feature?

I’ve tested many bot and most of them provide “random answer” as their basic feature
Although creating random answer in Google sheet is okay, getting back and forth between flowxo and google sheet is quite cumbersome.


(Daniel Beckett) #4

Thanks for the suggestion :slight_smile:

I’ve added this to the development roadmap to be considered for future updates.