Forwarding the conversation via email


tried to follow the tutorial, but it is partial and incomplete, and I am stuck. I would like to create a flow where the user interacts with an AI Assistant, and the conversation is then sent via email to a specific email address. I created a flow like this: Catch-All as a trigger, Run Assistant as the second step, then Users - Get Chat Transcript, and finally Send Email. Is this the correct sequence? I am attaching the settings of the three modules. I’m not receiving any email.

(Nathan Stults) #2

What do your interaction logs show? Any error?


Failed to run an assistant: Error: String cannot represent value: { text: “Ciao! Sono Marina, la segretaria del salone di parrucchieri BellyKapelli. \nHello! I’m Marina, the secretary of the BellyKapelli hair salon. \nHallo! Ich bin Marina, die Sekretärin des Friseursalons BellyKapelli. \nIn che lingua preferisci parlare?” }: {“response”:{“errors”:[{“message”:"String cannot represent value: { text: "Ciao! Sono Marina, la segretaria del salone di parrucchieri BellyKapelli. \nHello! I’m Marina,

(Nathan Stults) #4

There may be a bug in there somewhere, that doesn’t look right to me. Please send the URL to the interaction log as well as your Flow XO email address to and we’ll take a closer look at the error.