Force Navigation

(Ben Koppenens) #1

Hi, I wonder if there’s a way to force navigation for an answer.
Let say people ask something and I want them to go to the page “/faq” as an action (forced). How is that possible?

(Daniel Beckett) #2

Hi @Ben_Koppenens

You can trigger other flows by using the Trigger a Flow action.

Forcing them to another page on a website isn’t possible though - all you could really do is send them a link to the page.

(Ben Koppenens) #3

Yes that is what I could find. But do I have to send the full URL?
(i’d like to make a button)

(Daniel Beckett) #4

Yeah, you would need to send the full link to the page. Either in a message or as part of a link on an image or card.

(Ben Koppenens) #5

Ok, I do created a force nav with JS (with full url in a message) and PHP:

FxoMessenger.on('messageReceived', function(message) {
   // Only our own Domain + not from history on refresh:     
   if (message.text.indexOf('')>-1 && message.owner == undefined) {
       // You can find the URL based on regexp but I choose to do it server side
       location = '/redirect.php?msg='+message.text;