Flow answer problem

(Roberto) #1

Hello, I have been working with Flow XO for a while, and set different message to answer different question of the user, the variables are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and all the trigger are when the user puts the number, all have the same configuration only change the variable with the respective message.

But, I found a bug with the variables 4 and 6 doesn’t display me the message I set it up in the flow.
It shows another message the beginning flow with the boot who didn’t call.

This is this conversation and not others

Hello, I am Mybot, welcome to MyBookie.

How can I assist you today?

Are you a client of Mybookie.com?

Please type “Yes” if you are a client or “No” if you are a current client of Mybookie.a

Could you please help me out please.

(Daniel Beckett) #2


It may be best if you could share this with us over on the support team by emailing support@flowxo.com

If you could share your flow by clicking on the ‘private’ button in your editor we’ll try and spot what’s happening here. :slight_smile:

(Roberto) #3

Hi, Daniel Thanks for sharing that email.

I fix the issue, I didn’t set the robot of the API of Facebook to listen
does message, something like that cause this commentary.

Thanks so much for your commentary.

(Daniel Beckett) #4


If the bot wasn’t listening out for the trigger then that would certainly make sense. Glad you found the solution! :slight_smile: