Facebook User Name

(Gustavo Brancante) #1


I need the facebook User Name from my Messenger Bot, but I can’t find it.
This is what I got from my interaction:
BOT ID: 599728e3943b1300117f9ee1
BOT Connection ID: 599728e5943b1300117f9ee9
Channel ID: 1124833904308835
User ID: 1124833904308835
User Handle: Gustavo Brancante
User Name: Gustavo Brancante

My username is brancante, where can I find it?

Thank you,


(Daniel Beckett) #2

Hi Gustavo,

This may be possible through the Facebook Graph API but as far as I’m aware the username value was removed from v2.0 so may not work with the latest versions.

(Gustavo Brancante) #3

Thanks Daniel,

I now it was removed to get the Facebook ID, but to get the facebook username from the chat interaction I think still possible, but from the information I am extracting from my Flow I can’t find I way to do so.

Do you think it would be possible to check if you can make the facebook username available from the flow?

(Daniel Beckett) #4


It’s not something that we automatically capture unfortunately. This would require use of the graph API via a HTTP Request.

There’s a similar example of how this can be done here: