Facebook messenger account_link

(Trevor) #1

Just wondering how people are accomplishing authentication using account_link. I am trying to find the best solution to inform flowxo that the account has been linked. So far I have the user logging in successfully and the redirect working and facebook telling me the link is successfull but how do you then inform flowxo that it’s linked so you can continue making requests that require authentication? How are people persisting that piece of data to flowxo so that you can make requests that require the user to be logged in?

I am currently thinking that once the user successfully logs in and before I redirect back to facebook I could post to a broadcast. The broadcast would have a filter so that it would only work for a specific user. The broadcast would just basically set attributes for that user, one attribute would contain that authenticated token.


(Karen Barker) #2

Hi Trevor,

Account Linking requires a callback from Facebook to Flow XO which unfortunately we can’t handle at the moment and as such we wouldn’t be able to get back the account_linking_token or the redirect_url to be able to proceed and finish the linking process. Unfortunately I can’t think of a workaround that would work for this at the moment. :disappointed:

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(Trevor) #3

Thanks Karen! No worries, I have an idea on how to achieve what we need I am just really curious as to the benefits of using the account link. I was hoping people might weigh in on how they are using it to expose functionality that is only for authenticated users.