Emojify your bots

(Sarah Palombo) #1

There’s lots of questions about adding emojis to our bots!, Now all you need is http://getemoji.com. Just copy and paste your emoji into your messages. This should make your bots more fun :+1:

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(Manuel Gutierrez) #2

Hi Sarah! ,

What about receiving an emoji or a sticker That will be really valuable for us.

For example to receive a greeting or to rate customer satisfaction .

Here is an interesting article on how users are using emojis and stickers .

Looking forward ! :relaxed:

(Sarah Palombo) #3

Hi Manuel

I hadn’t seen this comment for some reason. (sorry about that!)

Receive a greeting would work quite well. Emojis (and stickers) can be received through your bot, although It’s only the New File trigger that will handle these…If your bot started with a Catch all or a New Message emojis & stickers wouldn’t be handled.

That would be the same if your bot received an emoji when answering a question too, so there are a few considerations. Hope that clarifies


(Manuel Gutierrez) #4

Hi Sarah!

Thats cool not probs,

Ok, fair enough that clear things up a bit.

So, I wonder if a have a separate flow that handles basic emojis and stickers it will work in parallel with a catch all flow. Do the flows have like a hierarchy or filtering that allow this functionality work ?

pd. I would love to test it, but i have no flows left :frowning:


(Sarah Palombo) #5

Hi there Manual

I should re-clarify. :see_no_evil:,
Confusingly Messenger have Emojis and Stickers. Of course the Stickers (the bigger icons) will trigger the New file trigger whilst Emojis don’t.

I was so adamant when I tested i’d used the emojis. I had simply used the thumbs up and smiley stickers. Hence why those triggered the new file trigger.

If you need to test, switch a flow off to free up a flow you can use or obviously add more by subscribing to our standard plan (where you can always add more too!) :slightly_smiling_face:
