There’s lots of questions about adding emojis to our bots!, Now all you need is Just copy and paste your emoji into your messages. This should make your bots more fun
Emojify your bots
Hi Sarah! ,
What about receiving an emoji or a sticker That will be really valuable for us.
For example to receive a greeting or to rate customer satisfaction .
Here is an interesting article on how users are using emojis and stickers .
Looking forward !
Hi Manuel
I hadn’t seen this comment for some reason. (sorry about that!)
Receive a greeting would work quite well. Emojis (and stickers) can be received through your bot, although It’s only the New File trigger that will handle these…If your bot started with a Catch all or a New Message emojis & stickers wouldn’t be handled.
That would be the same if your bot received an emoji when answering a question too, so there are a few considerations. Hope that clarifies
Hi Sarah!
Thats cool not probs,
Ok, fair enough that clear things up a bit.
So, I wonder if a have a separate flow that handles basic emojis and stickers it will work in parallel with a catch all flow. Do the flows have like a hierarchy or filtering that allow this functionality work ?
pd. I would love to test it, but i have no flows left
Hi there Manual
I should re-clarify. ,
Confusingly Messenger have Emojis and Stickers. Of course the Stickers (the bigger icons) will trigger the New file trigger whilst Emojis don’t.
I was so adamant when I tested i’d used the emojis. I had simply used the thumbs up and smiley stickers. Hence why those triggered the new file trigger.
If you need to test, switch a flow off to free up a flow you can use or obviously add more by subscribing to our standard plan (where you can always add more too!)