Edit Animation or PNG or Sticker

(Medalnichka Shop) #1

Please! Anybody!

How can I EDIT message with Anamation OR any.Png OR Sticker?

(Nathan Stults) #2

I’m not sure if that’s possible - but you might want to try editMessageMedia: https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#editmessagemedia

You can use that command either using a Custom Request: https://support.flowxo.com/article/158-make-a-custom-request or the Telegram Actions: https://support.flowxo.com/article/257-telegram-actions#edit_message_media

(Medalnichka Shop) #3

I have not been able to do this until now. I think this is due to the fact that the thumb cannot be edided in telegram. Stickers in some special caste:female_detective: