Dynamic Facebook Cards

(Vignes Kingbros) #1

“How to do dynamic population of cards in Facebook” in bot flow we can giving it as manually 10 cards but what about dynamic one?

(Kellsey Shaw) #2

Hi Vignes,

If you are using outputs from a collection i.e. Google Sheets, any cards that don’t have content will be ignored.

So if you set up 10 cards using the collection outputs but when the bot ran, only 7 rows were returned, then only 7 cards would be displayed :thumbsup:

(Vignes Kingbros) #3

is it not possible to populate dynamic cards using JSON ?

(Kellsey Shaw) #4

Hi Vignes,

Our Data Outputs works with JSON so you can indeed populate the cards using JSON :slight_smile:

(Swoop Loop) #5

@kellseyshaw I have the same challenge. I tried using the “&&” at the end but it prints all the values in a single card. I was expecting 1 card per item of Data Output. Can you give a sample on how to manipulate the “Card Set” for “Data Outputs”? Thanks! :slight_smile: