Different behaviour of equal filters

(Vladimir) #1

Frustratingly I have troubles filtering actions by group names. Following is a simplified exception from my real flow providing information on different kinds of grapes. There are a New Message trigger and three Send a Message actions working like this:

The actions are filtered by equal filters based on the group names like this:

Till now everything works OK. But if I type single words instead of full phrases, filters surprisingly start to behave differently - while in the first two cases the flow does not start at all, what is expected, the third word triggers the flow by the group name:

Actually I’m struggling to realise why the equal filters behave differently in these cases?!??

(Daniel Beckett) #2

Hi Vladimir,

The word / full phrase is compared against the full message for approximate similarity. For example, if the trigger matches on “i like cats” and the message is “i like a cat”, there’s a match.

Adding single words provides broader matches, e.g. “Cat” as a keyword would work if you send a message saying “I’d like a cat” but the opposite isn’t true in that if you add “I’d like a cat” as a keyword / phrase and send a message saying “Cat” it wouldn’t trigger anything.

It’s not necessarily this type of ‘elastic search’ but this type of phrase matching is similar:

These two sites also explain this type of match and fuzzy matching too

Match Query
Phrase, Match & query string

I can’t give an exact reason why the search accepts “Grenache” but not the other two but hopefully the above information helps.

In terms of a fix, you can just add separate keywords for “Grenache”, “Pinot” and “Cabernet” so that a match is found if those words are used in a message.

(Vladimir) #3

Hi Daniel,
Thanks for explanation, but the key phrase in it is

and it does not make my life easier… :slight_smile:

In the real project I had to create a special flow processing separate keywords, but the problem is that with Grenache word both flows are triggered…

Actually in such cases it’d be nice to have an option to switch off this “fuzzy matching” so that the bot would look only for direct matches.